April School Vacation Week
Please note that some activities required sign ups. Noted by *. Please email to sign up.
Saturday, April 13
8:00-9:00AM | Morning Walk, Meet at The White House
9:00AM-10:00AM | Mind Warmups, Pick this up in the La Salette Lounge in The Mansion
10:00AM | Pickleball, Call 774-323-6060 to reserve your court.
11:00AM | Soccer Match, Call 774-323-6200 to reserve your spot.
12:00PM | Bucket Golf, The Mansion Front Lawn
1:00PM | Capture the Flag, The Mansion Front Lawn
2:30PM | Bear Factory, The Ocean Edge Room, $35 per person
4:00PM | Badminton, The Mansion Front Lawn
5:00PM | Movie: Miracle, The Samuel Nickerson Room
7:00PM | Sports Trivia, The Samuel Nickerson Room
Sunday, April 14
8:00-9:00AM | Morning Walk, Meet at The White House
9:00AM-10:00AM | Mind Warmups, Pick this up in the La Salette Lounge in The Mansion
10:00AM | Pickleball, Call 774-323-6060 to reserve your court.
11:00AM | Golf Swing Showdown, Call 774-323-6200 to reserve your spot.
12:00PM | Bucket Golf, The Mansion Front Lawn
1:00PM Capture the Flag, the Mansion Front Lawn
2:30PM | Bear Factory, The Ocean Edge Room, $35 per person
4:00PM | Volleyball, The Mansion Front Lawn
5:00PM | Movie: The Blind Side, The Samuel Nickerson Room
7:00PM | Sports Trivia, The Samuel Nickerson Room
Monday, April 15
9:00AM-10:00AM | Mind Warmups, Pick this up in the La Salette Lounge in The Mansion
10:00AM | Tennis, Call 774-323-6060 to reserve your court.
11:00AM | Soccer Match, The Mansion Front Lawn
12:00PM | Volleyball, The Mansion Front Lawn
1:00PM Badminton, The Mansion Front Lawn
2:30PM | Bear Factory, The Ocean Edge Room, $35 per person
4:00PM | Pool Basketball, Fletcher Pool
5:00PM | Movie: Field of Dreams, The Samuel Nickerson Room
7:00PM | Beach Fire with S’mores
Tuesday, April 16
8:00-9:00AM | Morning Walk, Meet at The White House
9:00AM-10:00AM | Mind Warmups, Pick this up in the La Salette Lounge in The Mansion
10:00AM | Pickleball, Call 774-323-6060 to reserve your court.
11:00AM | Golf Swing Showdown, Call 774-323-6200 to reserve your spot.
12:00PM | Bucket Golf, The Mansion Front Lawn
1:00PM Wiffleball, the Mansion Front Lawn
2:30PM | Bear Factory, The Ocean Edge Room, $35 per person
4:00PM | Badminton, The Mansion Front Lawn
5:00PM | Movie: Miracle, The Samuel Nickerson Room
Wednesday, April 17
9:00AM-10:00AM | Mind Warmups, Pick this up in the La Salette Lounge in The Mansion
10:00AM | Tennis, Call 774-323-6060 to reserve your court.
11:00AM | Basketball Free Throws, Fletcher Basketball Courts
12:00PM | Volleyball, The Mansion Front Lawn
1:00PM Capture the Flag, The Mansion Front Lawn
2:30PM | Bear Factory, The Ocean Edge Room, $35 per person
4:00PM | Pool Basketball, Fletcher Pool
5:00PM | Movie: Remember the Titans, The Samuel Nickerson Room
7:00PM | Beach Fire with S’mores
Thursday, April 18
8:00-9:00AM | Morning Walk, Meet at The White House
9:00AM-10:00AM | Mind Warmups, Pick this up in the La Salette Lounge in The Mansion
10:00AM | Pickleball, Call 774-323-6060 to reserve your court.
11:00AM | Golf Swing Showdown, Call 774-323-6200 to reserve your spot.
12:00PM | Bucket Golf, The Mansion Front Lawn
1:00PM Badminton, the Mansion Front Lawn
2:30PM | Bear Factory, The Ocean Edge Room, $35 per person
4:00PM | Volleyball, The Mansion Front Lawn
5:00PM | Movie: Hoosiers, The Samuel Nickerson Room
Friday, April 19
9:00AM-10:00AM | Mind Warmups, Pick this up in the La Salette Lounge in The Mansion
10:00AM | Tennis, Call 774-323-6060 to reserve your court.
11:00AM | Basketball Free Throws, Fletcher Basketball Courts
12:00PM | Volleyball, The Mansion Front Lawn
1:00PM Wiffleball, The Mansion Front Lawn
2:30PM | Bear Factory, The Ocean Edge Room, $35 per person
4:00PM | Pool Basketball, Fletcher Pool
5:00PM | Movie: Field of Dreams, The Samuel Nickerson Room
7:00PM | Beach Fire with S’mores
Saturday, April 20
8:00-9:00AM | Morning Walk, Meet at The White House
9:00AM-10:00AM | Mind Warmups, Pick this up in the La Salette Lounge in The Mansion
10:00AM | Pickleball, Call 774-323-6060 to reserve your court.
11:00AM | Soccer Match, Call 774-323-6200 to reserve your spot.
12:00PM | Bucket Golf, The Mansion Front Lawn
1:00PM | Capture the Flag, The Mansion Front Lawn
2:30PM | Bear Factory, The Ocean Edge Room, $35 per person
4:00PM | Badminton, The Mansion Front Lawn
5:00PM | Movie: Miracle, The Samuel Nickerson Room
7:00PM | Sports Trivia, The Samuel Nickerson Room
Sunday, April 21
10:00AM | Bear Factory, The Ocean Edge Room, $35 per person | Reservations Required 24 Hours in Advance
Pickle Ball | Reserve Space at the Court: 774.323.6307 | Britterige Village Courts
Bike Rentals | Mansion side & Blueberry Pond Recreation Center